Prof. Luc Van Gool

Research area: Computer Vision
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Prof. Luc Van Gool’s focus research areas are machine learning and computer vision. He is head of the Computer Vision Laboratory at ETH Zurich, while also leading the Computer Vision Research Group at KU Leuven, Belgium.  Professor Van Gool is one of the world’s most cited scientists in computer science, particularly in computer vision and machine learning, with over 160,000 citations.

With his research teams, Luc Van Gool is a partner in several national and international projects, e.g. the EU ACTS project Vanguard, the EU Esprit projects Improofs and Impact, and the EU Brite-​Euram project Soquetec. He is also involved in several other projects that range from fundamental research to application-​driven developments. His major research interests include 2D and 3D object recognition, texture analysis, range acquisition, stereo vision, robot vision, and optical flow.

Prof. Van Gool’s research has been recognized with many prestigious awards, including the David Marr Prize, the Koenderink Award, the Helava Prize, the Tsuji Award and an ERC Advanced Grant. Further, he has co-founded 12 start-up companies (assaia, Endosat, eSaturnus, Eyetronics, Fashwell, GeoAutomation, kooaba, Parquery, Procedural,, Sensifai, upicto). Technology giants such as Nvidia, Apple, and Facebook have opened offices in Zurich as a result of these and other successful ETH start ups.