Dr. Ajad Chhatkuli

About Me:

I work in the field of Computer Vision and AI, primarily in 3D Vision and image/video understanding.

Before I joined INSAIT, I was a postdoc and then a lecturer at Computer Vision Lab, ETH Zurich, under Prof. Luc Van Gool. I led several industrial and EU Horizon 2020 projects, mainly on 3D Vision during my work at ETH Zurich. While my post-PhD work was mostly centred around industrial applications, my PhD was on the theory of non-rigid 3D geometry, for the task of 3D reconstruction from images. I completed my PhD under the supervision of Prof. Adrien Bartoli and Prof. Daniel Pizarro at University of Clermont-Auvergne, France. I have recently started to research in both the fundamental aspects and practical applications of Computer Vision.