The new multi-million investment in INSAIT from Google includes cloud computing resources for training generative models and 1M USD worth of PhD fellowships This week Google expanded their support for […]
Sofia, 25.09.2023 — INSAIT, the first of its kind computer science and AI research institute in Eastern Europe, is proud to announce the acceptance of 7 papers at NeurIPS 2023, […]
Leading scientists from top universities and institutions such as Carnegie Mellon (USA), ETH Zurich (Switzerland), Max Planck (Germany) and Weizmann (Israel) are moving to work at INSAIT in Sofia. They […]
21 top students from all around the globe are now in Sofia for this year’s INSAIT Summer Research Fellowship Program 2024! Amongst them are international olympiad medalists, startup founders, gen […]
INSAIT has a new paper accepted, now at a premier robotics research conference (IROS). The event takes place October 14-18th in Abu Dhabi. The paper, named “Ternary-type Opacity and Hybrid […]
Researchers at INSAIT have 17 papers accepted for publication at ECCV’24 (European Conference on Computer Vision), a top research conference in AI and computer vision. In a short time, INSAIT […]
Eight graduates from the Bulgaria’s leading mathematics schools have been selected to be part of the first EXPLORER (EXcellence Program in technoLOgy and REseaRch) program, which provides them with a […]
INSAIT (Institute of Computer Science, Artificial Intelligence and Technology) is happy to announce a new collaboration with Toyota. The collaboration with Toyota will focus on the general area of AI […]
INSAIT is happy to announce that it has accepted 23 talented students for its second Undergraduate Summer Research Fellowship (SURF). These students were selected from applicants spanning 56 countries. The […]