Amazon Web Services has donated 1M USD to the Institute for Computer Science, AI and Technology (INSAIT), established in Sofia in April 2022. INSAIT is the first world-class research institute in Eastern Europe, structured similarly to top research institutions worldwide. In a short span, INSAIT has managed to attract outstanding international faculty in computer vision and machine learning as well as strong doctoral students from around the world. The support from AWS will now help INSAIT establish a professorship in automated reasoning, a fundamental area in computer science: AWS integrates automated reasoning into a range of customer solutions to provide provable security – the highest assurance in the security of the cloud and in the cloud.
Amazon Web Services donates 1M USD for a new professorship in automated reasoning at INSAIT
“Automated reasoning is not only a foundational area of computer science with a storied history, but one of increasing practical importance across a wide range of domains, including security, trustworthy AI, robotics and many more. It is the only known mathematical method able to provide full certification guarantees while scaling to real-world systems. We are tremendously excited to receive this fantastic support from AWS and to announce that INSAIT is now expanding its reach into this space.” – said Prof. Martin Vechev, Founder and Scientific Director of INSAIT.
“We are delighted to support INSAIT with a 1M gift and support INSAIT’s goal of establishing a professorship in automated reasoning. INSAIT is an exciting initiative and we are looking forward to establishing closer research and collaboration ties with students and faculty at the institute.” – said AWS Vice President and Distinguished Engineer Byron Cook.
The 1M USD donation will be used to bootstrap the area of automated reasoning by providing salary support for the faculty who receives the award as well as fellowships for incoming students (doctoral, masters, and undergraduate) working in the space. The gift will also help facilitate a closer collaboration between INSAIT and AWS researchers and engineers.